Student and Parent Sign In

Enter your Username and Password

Create an Account

Create a parent account that allows you to view all of your students with one account. You can also manage your account preferences. Learn more.

Students, There is no need for you to create an account. Simply use the credentials you received from the high school or junior high school. Any 'parent' accounts created by students will be deleted.

In case you weren't aware, there is a PowerSchool mobile app which may be downloaded and installed from the app service for your device type. It uses the same login credentials as the portal. The first time you log in you will need the district code of MTKF.

If you have any issues, please email

If you have NOT already created a single sign-on, you will want to do so at this time. Click the Create Account tab above or on the district website, click on “Parent Info”, then scroll down to ‘PowerSchool’ and then Create an Account. Once you have completed creating your new account, you will need your child’s account information that you use to complete online registration and to access their grades.
